Aleksey Kadukin

Aleksey became a BMW fan after getting a ride in a beautiful blue E30 a long time ago when dinosaurs walked the Earth. Several years after, he got his first BMW (E36) which let him hang out with some cool kids. One of them introduced Aleksey to the loud world of motorsport and the first race they attended was a spectacular battle of E46 M3 GTR vs Porsche which BMW won easily. That solidified Aleksey’s interest in the brand, and soon after he discovered the most important community in his life: BMW CCA Golden Gate Chapter! Joined in 2003 and tried every activity club offered, Aleksey was so fascinated with the experience, so he joined the chapter board in the role of Technical Sessions Coordinator and became Secretary later. These days you could find Aleksey at social events, car shows, occasional track days, and virtually if you tag us on Instagram with #ggcbmwcca (because Aleksey is running the chapter’s account too)!

Contact Aleksey via emal: secretary AT


Gina Paolini


Bill Broeder